CLOCK150# 220# 320# 460#EP GEAR OIL
Hits : 149
Company : Jiangsu Clock Lubricant Co.,Ltd.
Telephone : 86-18121053868
Product Description
CLOCK EPAX-EP is formulated from high quality,high VI base oils combined with selected additives to provide resistance to foaming,rusting,corrosion and oxidation.A sulfur-phosphorus additive is used to give this oil its extreme pressure characteristics which permit industrial gears to withstand heavy loads and shock loading. Unique additive package employed in CLOCK EPAX-EP is non-corrosive to brass,bronze,steel or other alloys.
Typical Uses
.Meets AGMA(Americal gear Manufacturers Assn)Gear Specifications 2EP thru 8 EP.
.Used in bevel,spur,herringbone,planetary,worm and industrial hypoid gears.
.Also used in chain drives,sprockets,plain and anti-friction bearings,slide guides and flexible couplings.
.Recommended for use in manual transmissions gear cases and worm gears on mobile contractor type equipment.
Truly multi-purpose product -wide range of application.
Excellent EP and anti-wear properties.
Superior thermal stability for longer service life.
Compatible with steel,bronze,copper and copper alloys.
Versatile multi-purpose industrial gear oil of outstanding quality.
Avaliable in all ISO grades.
Typical Inspections
GRADE,ISO 68 100 150 220 320 460 680
FLASH POINT,℉ 425 435 450 450 460 480 490
FIRE POINT,℉ 455 475 495 495 500 510 510
Pour point ℉ -15 0 0 0 15 15 15
SUS@100℉ 353 522 789 1165 1708 2470 3680
SUS@210℉ 55.3 64.1 78.0 95.1 116.6 145.4 185.4
cSt@40℃ 68 100 150 220 320 460 680 cSt@40℃ 8.62 11.06 14.55 18.6 23.4 29.6 38.0
VISCOSITY INDEX 97 95 95 94 92 92 92
Color,D-1500 4.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.5
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